Sentence of the day
If you want to touch the sky,
fuck a duck
and try to fly.
Jaime, es decir, yo, decidió publicarlo a las 11:23
More photos
Well, click here to go to the Dante
and Miguel & Zsofia Photos
Jaime, es decir, yo, decidió publicarlo a las 11:57
Hamburg's photos
Jaime, es decir, yo, decidió publicarlo a las 10:25
... and the snow becomes with two days of delay.
Frau Denke failed again, but the snow has arrived.
It isn't much, but also we're in November, and still the winter hasn't begun (and I'm Spanish)
I will inform from the other side of the wall.
... und der Schnee wird mit zwei Tagen von verzögert.
Frau Denkes fiel wieder, aber der Schnee verlassen wird, der ist angekommen.
Es ist nicht viel, aber es ist November, und noch hat der Winter nicht angefangen (und ich bin spanisch).
Ich informiere sich von der anderen Seite den Wand.
Jaime, es decir, yo, decidió publicarlo a las 18:55
I'm a Dance teacher
I can't understand it, but I'm a dance Icon for somebody, it's crazy because I dance very bad, at less in Spain, but dance, then I dance good.
Urs, TAKE CARE!!it's impossible to imitate to me
I'll think bad if you see me a lot of time
Jaime, es decir, yo, decidió publicarlo a las 14:11
Hamburg wochenende
Jaime, es decir, yo, decidió publicarlo a las 18:55
This weekend
Just nights...
On Friday, we were in flirt party of the residence (great music, but little more),after we tried to enter the WEEKEND but " no invitation" then we went to the CASIOPEA in which there was nobody,just us ... and after to the PANORAMA that seemed me to enter in BLADE's Disco.
S-Bahn Photos, just 4survivors.
Saturday we returned to great flat, and the proprietor received to us with a very small skirt. Later, a Dj from Holland arrived, plates including. And we knew Veronica the girl the exotic eyes. I hope to return to see her

Jaime, es decir, yo, decidió publicarlo a las 22:47